Careers Guidance
Please contact your schools Assistant headteacher for any help and guidance.
Contact details can be found here.
We are committed to implementing a careers programme that will empower pupils to make informed decisions about their future and to ensure pupils leave us with a positive destination and with a clear purpose, having achieved at least five meaningful qualifications by the time they leave us. We are ambitious for all of our students, knowing that with the right support and guidance, they will meet their full potential and go on to lead happy, fulfilled and successful lives.
All pupils take part in weekly Preparing for Adulthood lessons where learning topics include:
We aim to:
Develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed for pupils to be successful in their working lives
Develop awareness of options available to them and support pupils to manage their career choices and identify the steps needed to be taken to be successful in their chosen career
Enable pupils to research careers and to use this to help them make informed choices.
Support pupil transition either to work or other places of study through identifying opportunities, completing applications, and developing interview skills
Experience the world of work and develop transferrable skills
Support readiness for the next phase of education, training or employment so that pupils are equipped to make the transition successfully.
Useful Links:
Catch 22 - Get into Work or Training
National Career Service Skills Check
Catch22, proudly holds the Matrix award for our CIAG delivery. This is a formal assessment of all our schools and academies along with follow-up monitoring to ensure we meet the standards required and that we continually strive to further improve our delivery. This includes career guidance for staff as well as pupils in its assessment.
Each year, the careers lead will conduct a review of provisions using the Compass tool. This will highlight areas of good practice and the focus areas for the school improvement plan for the next year. All career leads within Catch22 will meet regularly throughout the year as a Forum to share good practices and disseminate new ideas and approaches as well as being a space for training updates.
The Matrix Standard is the Department for Education’s (DfE) standard for ensuring the quality delivery of high-quality information, advice and guidance. Catch 22 Education undertook the matrix quality standard assessment for information advice and guidance services and has demonstrated that it meets all criteria of the matrix standard, with a clear focus on support provided to individuals to progress towards their academic and career goals.