Include Norfolk is monitored by Ofsted. The school was last fully inspected in May 2023, and received a ‘Good’ rating.
Please read the report in full, however highlights from the report are:
"Pupils join the school after having profoundly negative experiences at other schools. They receive the support they need to heal and positively engage with education. Pupils learn about themselves and how to manage their emotions and behaviour positively. Pupils are supported well to value their potential and meet the high expectations of them. They are determined to be successful in adult life and are well prepared for their next steps in education or training. The positive ethos at the school enables pupils to develop strong relationships with staff and each other. On arrival each morning, pupils respond well to staff’s smiley and optimistic greetings. This continues throughout the rest of the day. Pupils look out for each other and work well together. When relationships become strained, pupils are equipped to find their own positive solutions. On the rare occasions of bullying, or when pupils are unable to resolve friendship issues, they are well supported so that problems stop and do not re-occur. Pupils are safe at school. They appreciate that staff support them when they are worried about issues at school, at home or in the community."
Parents and carers are encouraged to give feedback about the school to Ofsted directly, using the Ofsted Parent View questionnaire.
Results for 2019/20 were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Since they were based on teacher-based assessments they are not comparable with previous years. Accurate comparable results will be published as soon as they are available.
Information about Catch22 school performance can be found on the Department of Education school and college performance website.